Source code for radical.pilot.task_manager

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013-2016,"
__license__   = "MIT"

import os
import sys
import time
import queue
import threading as mt

import radical.utils as ru

from . import utils     as rpu
from . import states    as rps
from . import constants as rpc

from .task_description import TaskDescription, RAPTOR_MASTER, RAPTOR_WORKER
from .raptor_tasks     import RaptorMaster, RaptorWorker

# bulk callbacks are implemented, but are currently not used nor exposed.
_USE_BULK_CB = False
if os.environ.get('RADICAL_PILOT_BULK_CB', '').lower() in ['true', 'yes', '1']:
    _USE_BULK_CB = True

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# make sure deprecation warning is shown only once per type
_seen = list()

def _warn(old_type, new_type):
    if old_type not in _seen:
        sys.stderr.write('%s is deprecated - use %s\n' % (old_type, new_type))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class TaskManager(rpu.ClientComponent): """ A TaskManager manages :class:`radical.pilot.Task` instances which represent the **executable** workload in RADICAL-Pilot. A TaskManager connects the Tasks with one or more :class:`Pilot` instances (which represent the workload **executors** in RADICAL-Pilot) and a **scheduler** which determines which :class:`Task` gets executed on which :class:`Pilot`. Example:: s = rp.Session() pm = rp.PilotManager(session=s) pd = rp.PilotDescription() pd.resource = "futuregrid.alamo" pd.cores = 16 p1 = pm.submit_pilots(pd) # create first pilot with 16 cores p2 = pm.submit_pilots(pd) # create second pilot with 16 cores # Create a workload of 128 '/bin/sleep' tasks tasks = [] for task_count in range(0, 128): t = rp.TaskDescription() t.executable = "/bin/sleep" t.arguments = ['60'] tasks.append(t) # Combine the two pilots, the workload and a scheduler via # a TaskManager. tm = rp.TaskManager(session=session, scheduler=rp.SCHEDULER_ROUND_ROBIN) tm.add_pilot(p1) tm.submit_tasks(tasks) The task manager can issue notification on task state changes. Whenever state notification arrives, any callback registered for that notification is fired. Note: State notifications can arrive out of order wrt the task state model! """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def __init__(self, session, cfg='default', scheduler=None): """Create a new TaskManager and attaches it to the session. Arguments: session (radical.pilot.Session): The session instance to use. cfg (dict | str): The configuration or name of configuration to use. scheduler (str): The name of the scheduler plug-in to use. uid (str): ID for unit manager, to be used for reconnect Returns: radical.pilot.TaskManager: A new `TaskManager` object. """ assert session._role == session._PRIMARY, 'tmgr needs primary session' # initialize the base class (with no intent to fork) self._uid = ru.generate_id('tmgr.%(item_counter)04d', ru.ID_CUSTOM, ns=session.uid) if not scheduler: scheduler = rpc.SCHEDULER_ROUND_ROBIN self._pilots = dict() self._pilots_lock = mt.RLock() self._tasks = dict() self._tasks_lock = mt.RLock() self._callbacks = dict() self._tcb_lock = mt.RLock() self._terminate = mt.Event() self._closed = False self._task_info = dict() for m in rpc.TMGR_METRICS: self._callbacks[m] = dict() # NOTE: `name` and `cfg` are overloaded, the user cannot point to # a predefined config and name it at the same time. This might # be ok for the session, but introduces a minor API inconsistency. # name = None if isinstance(cfg, str): name = cfg cfg = None cfg = ru.Config('radical.pilot.tmgr', name=name, cfg=cfg) cfg.uid = self._uid cfg.owner = self._uid cfg.sid = session.uid cfg.path = session.path cfg.reg_addr = session.reg_addr cfg.heartbeat = session.cfg.heartbeat cfg.client_sandbox = session._get_client_sandbox() super().__init__(cfg, session=session) self.start()'started tmgr %s', self._uid) self._rep = self._session._get_reporter(name=self._uid)'<<create task manager') # overwrite the scheduler from the config file if 'tmgr_scheduling' in self._cfg.components: self._cfg.components.tmgr_scheduling.scheduler = scheduler # create pmgr bridges and components, use session cmgr for that self._cmgr = rpu.ComponentManager(cfg.sid, cfg.reg_addr, self._uid) self._cmgr.start_bridges(self._cfg.bridges) self._cmgr.start_components(self._cfg.components) # let session know we exist self._session._register_tmgr(self) # The output queue is used to forward submitted tasks to the # scheduling component. self.register_output(rps.TMGR_SCHEDULING_PENDING, rpc.TMGR_SCHEDULING_QUEUE) # the tmgr will also collect tasks from the agent again, for output # staging and finalization if self._cfg.bridges.tmgr_staging_output_queue: self._has_sout = True self.register_output(rps.TMGR_STAGING_OUTPUT_PENDING, rpc.TMGR_STAGING_OUTPUT_QUEUE) else: self._has_sout = False # also listen to the state pubsub for task state changes self.register_subscriber(rpc.STATE_PUBSUB, self._state_sub_cb) # hook into the control pubsub for rpc handling self._rpc_queue = queue.Queue() ctrl_addr_pub = self._session._reg['bridges.control_pubsub.addr_pub'] self._ctrl_pub = ru.zmq.Publisher(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, url=ctrl_addr_pub, log=self._log, prof=self._prof)'setup_done', uid=self._uid) self._rep.ok('>>ok\n')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def initialize(self): # the manager must not carry bridge and component handles across forks ru.atfork(self._atfork_prepare, self._atfork_parent, self._atfork_child) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # EnTK forks, make sure we don't carry traces of children across the fork # def _atfork_prepare(self): pass def _atfork_parent(self) : pass def _atfork_child(self) : self._bridges = dict() self._components = dict() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def finalize(self): self._cmgr.close() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def close(self): """Shut down the TaskManager and all its components.""" # we do not cancel tasks at this point, in case any component or pilot # wants to continue to progress task states, which should indeed be # independent from the tmgr life cycle. if self._closed: return self._terminate.set()'<<close task manager') # disable callbacks during shutdown with self._tcb_lock: self._callbacks = dict() for m in rpc.TMGR_METRICS: self._callbacks[m] = dict() self._cmgr.close()"Closed TaskManager %s." % self._uid) self._closed = True self._rep.ok('>>ok\n') # dump json json = self.as_dict() # json['_id'] = self.uid json['type'] = 'tmgr' json['uid'] = self.uid json['tasks'] = self._task_info tgt = '%s/%s.json' % (self._session.path, self.uid) ru.write_json(json, tgt)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Returns a dictionary representation of the TaskManager object.""" ret = { 'uid': self.uid, 'cfg': self.cfg } return ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the TaskManager object.""" return str(self.as_dict()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _pilot_state_cb(self, pilots, state=None): if self._terminate.is_set(): return False # we register this callback for pilots added to this tmgr. It will # specifically look out for pilots which complete, and will make sure # that all tasks are pulled back into tmgr control if that happens # prematurely. # # If we find tasks which have not completed the agent part of the task # state model, we declare them FAILED. If they can be restarted, we # resubmit an identical task, which then will get a new task ID. This # avoids state model confusion (the state model is right now expected to # be linear), but is not intuitive for the application (FIXME). # # FIXME: there is a race with the tmgr scheduler which may, just now, # and before being notified about the pilot's demise, send new # tasks to the pilot. # we only look into pilot states when the tmgr is still active # FIXME: note that there is a race in that the tmgr can be closed while # we are in the cb. # FIXME: `self._closed` is not an `mt.Event`! if self._closed: self._log.debug('tmgr closed, ignore pilot cb %s', ['%s:%s' % (p.uid, p.state) for p in pilots]) return True if not isinstance(pilots, list): pilots = [pilots] for pilot in pilots: pid = pilot.uid state = pilot.state if state in rps.FINAL: self._log.debug('pilot %s is final', pilot.uid) # FIXME: MongoDB # TODO: fail all non-final tasks which were assigned to that # pilot continue ## for task in tasks: ## ## task['exception'] = 'RuntimeError("pilot died")' ## task['exception_detail'] = 'pilot %s is final' % pid ## task['state'] = rps.FAILED ## ## # final tasks are not pushed ## self.advance(tasks, publish=True, push=False) # keep cb registered return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _state_sub_cb(self, topic, msg): if self._terminate.is_set(): return False cmd = msg.get('cmd') arg = msg.get('arg') if cmd != 'update': self._log.debug('ignore state cb msg with cmd %s', cmd) return True things = ru.as_list(arg) tasks = [thing for thing in things if thing.get('type') == 'task'] self._update_tasks(tasks) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _update_tasks(self, task_dicts): # return information about needed callback and advance activities, so # that we don't break bulks here. # note however that individual task callbacks are still being called on # each task (if any are registered), which can lead to arbitrary, # application defined delays. to_notify = list() with self._tasks_lock: for task_dict in task_dicts: uid = task_dict['uid'] # we don't care about tasks we don't know task = self._tasks.get(uid) if not task: self._log.debug('tmgr: task unknown: %s', uid) continue # only update on state changes current = task.state target = task_dict['state'] if current == target: continue target, passed = rps._task_state_progress(uid, current, target) if target in [rps.CANCELED, rps.FAILED]: # don't replay intermediate states passed = passed[-1:] for s in passed: task_dict['state'] = s self._tasks[uid]._update(task_dict) to_notify.append([task, s]) self._task_info[uid] = task_dict if to_notify: if _USE_BULK_CB: self._bulk_cbs(set([task for task,_ in to_notify])) else: for task, state in to_notify: self._task_cb(task, state) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _task_cb(self, task, state): with self._tcb_lock: uid = task.uid cb_dicts = list() metric = rpc.TASK_STATE # get wildcard callbacks cb_dicts += self._callbacks[metric].get('*', {}).values() cb_dicts += self._callbacks[metric].get(uid, {}).values() for cb_dict in cb_dicts: cb = cb_dict['cb'] cb_data = cb_dict['cb_data'] try: if cb_data: cb(task, state, cb_data) else : cb(task, state) except: self._log.exception('cb error (%s)', cb.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _bulk_cbs(self, tasks, metrics=None): if not metrics: metrics = [rpc.TASK_STATE] else : metrics = ru.as_list(metrics) cbs = dict() # bulked callbacks to call with self._tcb_lock: for metric in metrics: # get wildcard callbacks cb_dicts = self._callbacks[metric].get('*') for cb_name in cb_dicts: cbs[cb_name] = {'cb' : cb_dicts[cb_name]['cb'], 'cb_data': cb_dicts[cb_name]['cb_data'], 'tasks' : set(tasks)} # add task specific callbacks if needed for task in tasks: uid = task.uid if uid not in self._callbacks[metric]: continue cb_dicts = self._callbacks[metric].get(uid, {}) for cb_name in cb_dicts: if cb_name in cbs: cbs[cb_name]['tasks'].add(task) else: cbs[cb_name] = {'cb' : cb_dicts[cb_name]['cb'], 'cb_data': cb_dicts[cb_name]['cb_data'], 'tasks' : set([task])} for cb_name in cbs: cb = cbs[cb_name]['cb'] cb_data = cbs[cb_name]['cb_data'] objs = cbs[cb_name]['tasks'] if cb_data: cb(list(objs), cb_data) else : cb(list(objs)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # FIXME: this needs to go to the scheduler def _default_wait_queue_size_cb(self, tmgr, wait_queue_size): # FIXME: this needs to come from the scheduler? if self._terminate.is_set(): return False"[Callback]: wait_queue_size: %s.", wait_queue_size) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def uid(self): """str: The unique id.""" return self._uid # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def scheduler(self): """str: The scheduler name.""" return self._cfg.get('scheduler') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def add_pilots(self, pilots): """Associates one or more pilots with the task manager. Arguments: pilots (radical.pilot.Pilot | list[radical.pilot.Pilot]): The pilot objects that will be added to the task manager. """ if not isinstance(pilots, list): pilots = [pilots] if len(pilots) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot add no pilots') pilot_docs = list() with self._pilots_lock: # sanity check, and keep pilots around for inspection for pilot in pilots: if isinstance(pilot, dict): pilot_dict = pilot else: # let pilot know we own it and subscribe for state updates # FIXME: this is not working for pilot dicts (ENTK) pilot.attach_tmgr(self) pilot_dict = pilot.as_dict() pilot.register_callback(self._pilot_state_cb) pid = pilot_dict['uid'] if pid in self._pilots: raise ValueError('pilot %s already added' % pid) self._pilots[pid] = pilot pilot_docs.append(pilot_dict) # publish to the command channel for the scheduler to pick up self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd' : 'add_pilots', 'arg' : {'pilots': pilot_docs, 'tmgr' : self.uid}})
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def list_pilots(self): """Lists the UIDs of the pilots currently associated with the task manager. Returns: list[str]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Pilot` UIDs. """ with self._pilots_lock: return list(self._pilots.keys())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def get_pilots(self): """Get the pilot instances currently associated with the task manager. Returns: list[radical.pilot.Pilot]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Pilot` instances. """ with self._pilots_lock: return list(self._pilots.values())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def remove_pilots(self, pilot_ids, drain=False): """Disassociates one or more pilots from the task manager. After a pilot has been removed from a task manager, it won't process any of the task manager's tasks anymore. Calling `remove_pilots` doesn't stop the pilot itself. Arguments: drain (bool): Drain determines what happens to the tasks which are managed by the removed pilot(s). If `True`, all tasks currently assigned to the pilot are allowed to finish execution. If `False` (the default), then non-final tasks will be canceled. """ # TODO: Implement 'drain'. # NOTE: the actual removal of pilots from the scheduler is asynchron! if drain: raise RuntimeError("'drain' is not yet implemented") if not isinstance(pilot_ids, list): pilot_ids = [pilot_ids] if len(pilot_ids) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot remove no pilots') with self._pilots_lock: # sanity check, and keep pilots around for inspection for pid in pilot_ids: if pid not in self._pilots: raise ValueError('pilot %s not removed' % pid) del self._pilots[pid] # publish to the command channel for the scheduler to pick up self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd' : 'remove_pilots', 'arg' : {'pids' : pilot_ids, 'tmgr' : self.uid}})
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # FIXME RPC
[docs] def control_cb(self, topic, msg): cmd = msg['cmd'] arg = msg['arg'] if cmd == 'rpc_res': self._log.debug('rpc res: %s', arg) self._rpc_queue.put(arg)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def pilot_rpc(self, pid, cmd, *args, rpc_addr=None, **kwargs): '''Remote procedure call. Send an RPC command and arguments to the pilot and wait for the response. This is a synchronous operation at this point, and it is not thread safe to have multiple concurrent RPC calls. ''' if pid not in self._pilots: raise ValueError('tmgr does not know pilot %s' % pid) return self._pilots[pid].rpc(cmd, *args, rpc_addr=rpc_addr, **kwargs)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def list_units(self): """Get Task UIDs. .. deprecated:: 1.5.12 use :func:`list_tasks()` """ _warn(self.list_units, self.list_tasks) return self.list_tasks()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def list_tasks(self): """Get the UIDs of the tasks managed by this task manager. Returns: list[str]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Task` UIDs. """ with self._pilots_lock: return list(self._tasks.keys())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_units(self, descriptions): """Submit tasks for execution. .. deprecated:: 1.5.12 use :py:func:`submit_tasks()` """ _warn(self.submit_units, self.submit_tasks) return self.submit_tasks(descriptions=descriptions)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_raptors(self, descriptions, pilot_id=None): """Submit RAPTOR master tasks. Submits on or more :class:`radical.pilot.TaskDescription` instances to the task manager, where the `TaskDescriptions` have the mode `RAPTOR_MASTER` set. This is a thin wrapper around `submit_tasks`. Arguments: descriptions: (radical.pilot.TaskDescription) description of the workers to submit. Returns: list[radical.pilot.Task]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Task` objects. """ descriptions = ru.as_list(descriptions) for td in descriptions: if not td.mode == RAPTOR_MASTER: raise ValueError('unexpected task mode [%s]' % td.mode) raptor_file = td.get('raptor_file') or '' raptor_class = td.get('raptor_class') or 'Master' td.pilot = pilot_id td.arguments = [raptor_file, raptor_class] td.environment['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1' if not td.get('uid'): td.uid = ru.generate_id('raptor.%(item_counter)04d', ru.ID_CUSTOM, ns=self._session.uid) if not td.get('executable'): td.executable = 'radical-pilot-raptor-master' if not td.get('named_env'): td.named_env = 'rp' # ensure that defaults and backward compatibility kick in td.verify() return self.submit_tasks(descriptions)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_workers(self, descriptions): """Submit RAPTOR workers. Submits on or more :class:`radical.pilot.TaskDescription` instances to the task manager, where the `TaskDescriptions` have the mode `RAPTOR_WORKER` set. This method is a thin wrapper around `submit_tasks`. Arguments: descriptions: (radical.pilot.TaskDescription) description of the workers to submit. Returns: list[radical.pilot.Task]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Task` objects. """ descriptions = ru.as_list(descriptions) for td in descriptions: if not td.mode == RAPTOR_WORKER: raise ValueError('unexpected task mode [%s]' % td.mode) raptor_id = td.get('raptor_id') raptor_file = td.get('raptor_file') or '' raptor_class = td.get('raptor_class') or 'DefaultWorker' if not raptor_id: raise ValueError('RAPTOR_WORKER descriptions need `raptor_id`') if not td.get('uid'): td.uid = ru.generate_id(raptor_id + '.%(item_counter)04d', ru.ID_CUSTOM, ns=self._session.uid) if not td.get('executable'): td.executable = 'radical-pilot-raptor-worker' if not td.get('named_env'): td.named_env = 'rp' td.raptor_id = raptor_id td.arguments = [raptor_file, raptor_class, raptor_id] td.environment['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1' # ensure that defaults and backward compatibility kick in td.verify() return self.submit_tasks(descriptions)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_tasks(self, descriptions): """Submit tasks for execution. Submits one or more :class:`radical.pilot.Task` instances to the task manager. Arguments: descriptions (radical.pilot.TaskDescription | list [radical.pilot.TaskDescription]): The description of the task instance(s) to create. Returns: list[radical.pilot.Task]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Task` objects. """ from .task import Task if not descriptions: return [] ret_list = True if descriptions and not isinstance(descriptions, list): ret_list = False descriptions = [descriptions] # we return a list of tasks tasks = list() ret = list() self._rep.progress_tgt(len(descriptions), label='submit') for td in descriptions: mode = td.mode if mode == RAPTOR_MASTER: task = RaptorMaster(tmgr=self, descr=td, origin='client') elif mode == RAPTOR_WORKER: task = RaptorWorker(tmgr=self, descr=td, origin='client') else: task = Task(tmgr=self, descr=td, origin='client') tasks.append(task) self._rep.progress() if len(tasks) >= 1024: # submit this bulk task_docs = [u.as_dict() for u in tasks] self.advance(task_docs, rps.TMGR_SCHEDULING_PENDING, publish=True, push=True) ret += tasks tasks = list() # submit remaining bulk (if any) if tasks: task_docs = [t.as_dict() for t in tasks] self.advance(task_docs, rps.TMGR_SCHEDULING_PENDING, publish=True, push=True) ret += tasks # keep tasks around with self._tasks_lock: for task in ret: self._tasks[task.uid] = task self._rep.progress_done() if ret_list: return ret else : return ret[0]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _reconnect_tasks(self): """Re-associate tasks on reconnect. When reconnecting, we need to dig information about all tasks from the DB for which this tmgr is responsible. """ from .task import Task from .task_description import TaskDescription # FIXME MongoDB # task_docs = self._session._dbs.get_tasks(tmgr_uid=self.uid) # # with self._tasks_lock: # # for doc in task_docs: # # td = TaskDescription(doc['description']) # td.uid = doc['uid'] # # task = Task(tmgr=self, descr=td, origin='client') # task._update(doc, reconnect=True) # # self._tasks[task.uid] = task # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def get_units(self, uids=None): """Get one or more tasks identified by their IDs. .. deprecated:: 1.5.12 use :py:func:`get_tasks()` """ _warn(self.get_units, self.get_tasks) return self.get_tasks(uids=uids)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def get_tasks(self, uids=None): """Get one or more tasks identified by their IDs. Arguments: uids (str | list[str]): The IDs of the task objects to return. Returns: list[radical.pilot.Task]: A list of :class:`radical.pilot.Task` objects. """ if not uids: with self._tasks_lock: ret = list(self._tasks.values()) return ret ret_list = True if (not isinstance(uids, list)) and (uids is not None): ret_list = False uids = [uids] ret = list() with self._tasks_lock: for uid in uids: if uid not in self._tasks: raise ValueError('task %s not known' % uid) ret.append(self._tasks[uid]) if ret_list: return ret else : return ret[0]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def wait_units(self, uids=None, state=None, timeout=None): """Block for state transition. .. deprecated:: 1.5.12 use :py:func:`wait_tasks()` """ _warn(self.wait_units, self.wait_tasks) return self.wait_tasks(uids=uids, state=state, timeout=timeout)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def wait_tasks(self, uids=None, state=None, timeout=None): """Block for state transition. Returns when one or more :class:`radical.pilot.Tasks` reach a specific state. If `uids` is `None`, `wait_tasks` returns when **all** Tasks reach the state defined in `state`. This may include tasks which have previously terminated or waited upon. Example:: # TODO -- add example Arguments: uids (str | list[str]): If uids is set, only the Tasks with the specified uids are considered. If uids is `None` (default), all Tasks are considered. state (str): The state that Tasks have to reach in order for the call to return. By default `wait_tasks` waits for the Tasks to reach a terminal state, which can be one of the following. * :data:`radical.pilot.rps.DONE` * :data:`radical.pilot.rps.FAILED` * :data:`radical.pilot.rps.CANCELED` timeout (float): Timeout in seconds before the call returns regardless of Pilot state changes. The default value **None** waits forever. """ if not uids: with self._tasks_lock: uids = list() for uid,task in self._tasks.items(): if task.state not in rps.FINAL: uids.append(uid) if not state : states = rps.FINAL elif not isinstance(state, list): states = [state] else : states = state # we simplify state check by waiting for the *earliest* of the given # states - if the task happens to be in any later state, we are sure the # earliest has passed as well. check_state_val = rps._task_state_values[rps.FINAL[-1]] for state in states: check_state_val = min(check_state_val, rps._task_state_values[state]) ret_list = True if not isinstance(uids, list): ret_list = False uids = [uids] start = time.time() to_check = None with self._tasks_lock: to_check = [self._tasks[uid] for uid in uids] # We don't want to iterate over all tasks again and again, as that would # duplicate checks on tasks which were found in matching states. So we # create a list from which we drop the tasks as we find them in # a matching state self._rep.progress_tgt(len(to_check), label='wait') while to_check and not self._terminate.is_set(): # check timeout if timeout and (timeout <= (time.time() - start)): self._log.debug ("wait timed out") break time.sleep (0.1) # FIXME: print percentage... # print 'wait tasks: %s' % [[u.uid, u.state] for u in to_check] check_again = list() for task in to_check: # we actually don't check if a task is in a specific (set of) # state(s), but rather check if it ever *has been* in any of # those states if task.state not in rps.FINAL and \ rps._task_state_values[task.state] < check_state_val: # this task does not match the wait criteria check_again.append(task) else: # stop watching this task if task.state in [rps.FAILED]: self._rep.progress() # (color='error', c='-') elif task.state in [rps.CANCELED]: self._rep.progress() # (color='warn', c='*') else: self._rep.progress() # (color='ok', c='+') to_check = check_again self._rep.progress_done() # grab the current states to return state = None with self._tasks_lock: states = [self._tasks[uid].state for uid in uids] sdict = {state: states.count(state) for state in set(states)} for state in sorted(set(states)):'\t%-10s: %5d\n' % (state, sdict[state])) if to_check: self._rep.warn('>>timeout\n') else : self._rep.ok ('>>ok\n') # done waiting if ret_list: return states else : return states[0]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def cancel_units(self, uids=None): """Cancel one or more :class:`radical.pilot.Task` s. .. deprecated:: 1.5.12 use :py:func:`cancel_tasks()` """ _warn(self.cancel_units, self.cancel_tasks) return self.cancel_tasks(uids=uids)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def cancel_tasks(self, uids=None): """Cancel one or more :class:`radical.pilot.Task` s. Note that cancellation of tasks is *immediate*, i.e. their state is immediately set to `CANCELED`, even if some RP component may still operate on the tasks. Specifically, other state transitions, including other final states (`DONE`, `FAILED`) can occur *after* cancellation. This is a side effect of an optimization: we consider this acceptable tradeoff in the sense "Oh, that task was DONE at point of cancellation -- ok, we can use the results, sure!". If that behavior is not wanted, set the environment variable:: export RADICAL_PILOT_STRICT_CANCEL=True Arguments: uids (str | list[str]): The IDs of the tasks to cancel. """ if not uids: with self._tasks_lock: uids = list(self._tasks.keys()) else: if not isinstance(uids, list): uids = [uids] # NOTE: We advance all tasks to cancelled, and send a cancellation # control command. If that command is picked up *after* some # state progression, we'll see state transitions after cancel. # For non-final states that is not a problem, as it is equivalent # with a state update message race, which our state collapse # mechanism accounts for. For an eventual non-canceled final # state, we do get an invalid state transition. That is also # corrected eventually in the state collapse, but the point # remains, that the state model is temporarily violated. We # consider this a side effect of the fast-cancel optimization. # # The env variable 'RADICAL_PILOT_STRICT_CANCEL == True' will # disable this optimization. # # FIXME: the effect of the env var is not well tested if 'RADICAL_PILOT_STRICT_CANCEL' not in os.environ: with self._tasks_lock: tasks = [self._tasks[uid] for uid in uids ] task_docs = [task.as_dict() for task in tasks] self.advance(task_docs, state=rps.CANCELED, publish=True, push=True) # we *always* issue the cancellation command to the local components self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd' : 'cancel_tasks', 'arg' : {'uids' : uids, 'tmgr' : self.uid}})
# we also inform all pilots about the cancelation request # FIXME: MongoDB # self._session._dbs.pilot_command(cmd='cancel_tasks', arg={'uids':uids}) # In the default case of calling 'advance' above, we just set the state, # so we *know* tasks are canceled. # # We do not wait and block the call until all the tasks are marked # cancelled. This means when inspecting for state just after a state # change, we may observe a old state, instead of CANCELLED. # # This is done so cyclic state change do not get hanged. Example if # task is changing state and user requests for task to be cancelled, the # cancelling of task will hang because a previous state change operation # is ongoing. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TODO: `metric` -> `metrics`, for consistency with `unregister_callback()` #
[docs] def register_callback(self, cb, cb_data=None, metric=None, uid=None): """Registers a new callback function with the TaskManager. Manager-level callbacks get called if the specified metric changes. The default metric `TASK_STATE` fires the callback if any of the Tasks managed by the PilotManager change their state. All callback functions need to have the same signature:: def cb(obj, value) -> None: ... where ``obj`` is a handle to the object that triggered the callback, ``value`` is the metric, and ``data`` is the data provided on callback registration.. In the example of `TASK_STATE` above, the object would be the task in question, and the value would be the new state of the task. If ``cb_data`` is given, then the ``cb`` signature changes to :: def cb(obj, state, cb_data) -> None: ... and ``cb_data`` are passed unchanged. If ``uid`` is given, the callback will invoked only for the specified task. Available metrics are * `TASK_STATE`: fires when the state of any of the tasks which are managed by this task manager instance is changing. It communicates the task object instance and the tasks new state. * `WAIT_QUEUE_SIZE`: fires when the number of unscheduled tasks (i.e. of tasks which have not been assigned to a pilot for execution) changes. """ # FIXME: the signature should be (self, metrics, cb, cb_data) if not metric: metric = rpc.TASK_STATE metrics = ru.as_list(metric) if not uid: uid = '*' elif uid not in self._tasks: raise ValueError('no such task %s' % uid) with self._tcb_lock: for metric in metrics: if metric not in rpc.TMGR_METRICS: raise ValueError("invalid tmgr metric '%s'" % metric) cb_id = id(cb) if metric not in self._callbacks: self._callbacks[metric] = dict() if uid not in self._callbacks[metric]: self._callbacks[metric][uid] = dict() self._callbacks[metric][uid][cb_id] = {'cb' : cb, 'cb_data': cb_data}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def unregister_callback(self, cb=None, metrics=None, uid=None): if not metrics: metrics = rpc.TASK_STATE metrics = ru.as_list(metrics) if not uid: uid = '*' elif uid not in self._tasks: raise ValueError('no such task %s' % uid) for metric in metrics: if metric not in rpc.TMGR_METRICS: raise ValueError("invalid tmgr metric '%s'" % metric) with self._tcb_lock: for metric in metrics: if metric not in self._callbacks: raise ValueError("cb metric '%s' invalid" % metric) if uid not in self._callbacks[metric]: raise ValueError("cb target '%s' invalid" % uid) if cb: to_delete = [id(cb)] else: to_delete = list(self._callbacks[metric][uid].keys()) for cb_id in to_delete: if cb_id not in self._callbacks[metric][uid]: raise ValueError("cb %s not registered" % cb_id) del self._callbacks[metric][uid][cb_id]
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