Source code for radical.pilot.pilot_description

__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013-2021, The RADICAL-Cybertools Team'
__license__   = 'MIT'

import radical.utils as ru
from .task_description import TaskDescription

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# Attribute description keys

UID               = 'uid'
RESOURCE          = 'resource'
ACCESS_SCHEMA     = 'access_schema'
QUEUE             = 'queue'
JOB_NAME          = 'job_name'
PROJECT           = 'project'
CANDIDATE_HOSTS   = 'candidate_hosts'
SANDBOX           = 'sandbox'
RUNTIME           = 'runtime'
APP_COMM          = 'app_comm'
CLEANUP           = 'cleanup'
EXIT_ON_ERROR     = 'exit_on_error'
LAYOUT            = 'layout'
SERVICES          = 'services'

NODES             = 'nodes'
CORES             = 'cores'
GPUS              = 'gpus'
MEMORY            = 'memory'

INPUT_STAGING     = 'input_staging'
OUTPUT_STAGING    = 'output_staging'

PREPARE_ENV       = 'prepare_env'

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[docs]class PilotDescription(ru.TypedDict): """Specify a requested Pilot. A PilotDescription object describes the requirements and properties of a :class:`radical.pilot.Pilot` and is passed as a parameter to :func:`radical.pilot.PilotManager.submit_pilots` to instantiate and run a new pilot. Note: A PilotDescription **MUST** define at least :attr:`resource`, :attr:`cores` or :attr:`nodes`, and :attr:`runtime`. Example:: pm = radical.pilot.PilotManager(session=s) pd = radical.pilot.PilotDescription() pd.resource = "local.localhost" pd.cores = 16 pd.runtime = 5 # minutes pilot = pm.submit_pilots(pd) Attributes: uid (str, optional): A unique ID for the pilot. A unique ID will be assigned by RP if the field is not set. job_name (str, optional): The name of the job / pilot as provided to the batch system. If not set then :attr:`uid` will be used instead. resource (str): The key of a :ref:`platform description </tutorials/configuration.ipynb#Platform-description>` entry. If the key exists, the machine-specific configuration is loaded from the config file once the `PilotDescription` is passed to :meth:`radical.pilot.PilotManager.submit_pilots`. If the key doesn't exist, an exception :class:`ValueError` is raised. access_schema (str, optional): The key of an access mechanism to use. The valid access mechanism is defined in the resource configuration. See :doc:`/tutorials/configuration`. The first ``schema`` defined in the resource configuration is used by default, if no *access_schema* is specified. runtime (int, optional): The maximum run time (wall-clock time) in **minutes** of the pilot. Default 10. sandbox (str, optional): The working ("sandbox") directory of the pilot agent. This parameter is optional and if not set, it defaults to *radical.pilot.sandbox* in your home or login directory. Default None. Warning: If you define a pilot on an HPC cluster and you want to set `sandbox` manually, make sure that it points to a directory on a shared filesystem that can be reached from all compute nodes. nodes (int, optional): The number of nodes the pilot should allocate on the target resource. This parameter could be set instead of `cores` and `gpus` (and `memory`). Default 1. Note: If `nodes` is specified, `gpus` and `cores` must not be specified. cores (int, optional): The number of cores the pilot should allocate on the target resource. This parameter could be set instead of `nodes`. Note: For local pilots, you can set a number larger than the physical machine limit (corresponding resource configuration should have the attribute `"fake_resources"`). Note: If `cores` is specified, `nodes` must not be specified. gpus (int, optional): The number of gpus the pilot should allocate on the target resource. Note: If `gpus` is specified, `nodes` must not be specified. memory (int, optional): The total amount of physical memory the pilot (and related to it job) requires. queue (str, optional): The name of the job queue the pilot should get submitted to. If *queue* is set in the resource configuration (:attr:`resource`), defining `queue` will override it explicitly. project (str, optional): The name of the project / allocation to charge for used CPU time. If *project* is set in the resource configuration (:attr:`resource`), defining `project` will override it explicitly. candidate_hosts (list[str], optional): The list of host names where this pilot is allowed to start on. app_comm (list[str], optional): The list of names is interpreted as communication channels to start within the pilot agent, for the purpose of application communication, i.e., that tasks running on that pilot are able to use those channels to communicate amongst each other. The names are expected to end in *_queue* or *_pubsub*, indicating the type of channel to create. Once created, tasks will find environment variables of the name ``RP_%s_IN`` and ``RP_%s_OUT``, where ``%s`` is replaced with the given channel name (uppercased), and ``IN/OUT`` indicate the respective endpoint addresses for the created channels. input_staging (list, optional): The list of files to be staged into the pilot sandbox. output_staging (list, optional): The list of files to be staged from the pilot sandbox. cleanup (bool, optional): If cleanup is set to True, the pilot will delete its entire sandbox upon termination. This includes individual Task sandboxes and all generated output data. Only log files will remain in the sandbox directory. Default False. exit_on_error (bool, optional): Flag to trigger app termination in case of the pilot failure. Default True. services (list[TaskDescription], optional): A list of commands which get started on a separate service compute node right after bootstrapping, and before any RP task is launched. That service compute node will not be used for any other tasks. layout (str | dict, optional): Point to a json file or an explicit (dict) description of the pilot layout: number and size of partitions and their configuration. Default "default". """ _schema = { UID : str , RESOURCE : str , ACCESS_SCHEMA : str , RUNTIME : int , APP_COMM : [str] , SANDBOX : str , CORES : int , GPUS : int , NODES : int , MEMORY : int , QUEUE : str , JOB_NAME : str , PROJECT : str , CLEANUP : bool , CANDIDATE_HOSTS : [str] , EXIT_ON_ERROR : bool , INPUT_STAGING : [str] , OUTPUT_STAGING : [str] , PREPARE_ENV : {str: None}, LAYOUT : None , SERVICES : [TaskDescription], } _defaults = { UID : None , RESOURCE : None , ACCESS_SCHEMA : None , RUNTIME : 10 , APP_COMM : [] , SANDBOX : None , CORES : 0 , GPUS : 0 , NODES : 0 , MEMORY : 0 , QUEUE : None , JOB_NAME : None , PROJECT : None , CLEANUP : False , CANDIDATE_HOSTS : [] , EXIT_ON_ERROR : True , INPUT_STAGING : [] , OUTPUT_STAGING : [] , PREPARE_ENV : {} , LAYOUT : 'default' , SERVICES : [] , } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, from_dict=None): super().__init__(from_dict=from_dict) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _verify(self): if not self.get('resource'): raise ValueError("Pilot description needs 'resource'") if self.get('nodes'): if self.get('cores'): raise ValueError("Pilot description needs 'cores' *or* 'nodes'") if self.get('gpus'): raise ValueError("Pilot description needs 'cores' *or* 'nodes'")
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