Polaris (ALCF/ANL)

Platform user guide


General description

  • Resource manager - PBSPRO

  • Launch methods (per platform ID)

    • anl.polaris - MPIEXEC

  • Configuration per node (560 nodes in total)

    • 32 CPU cores, each core has 2 threads (SMT=2)

    • 4 GPUs (NVIDIA A100)

    • 512 GiB of memory


RADICAL-Pilot provides a possibility to manage the -l option (resource selection qualifier) for PBSPRO and sets the default values in a corresponding configuration file. For the cases, when it is needed to have a different setup, please, follow these steps:

mkdir -p ~/.radical/pilot/configs
cat > ~/.radical/pilot/configs/resource_anl.json <<EOF
    "polaris": {
        "system_architecture": {"options": ["filesystems=grand:home",


Binding MPI ranks to GPUs: If you want to control GPUs assignment per task, then the following code snippet provides an example of setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES for each MPI rank on Polaris:

import radical.pilot as rp

td = rp.TaskDescription()
td.pre_exec.append('export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$((3 - $PMI_LOCAL_RANK % 4))')
td.gpu_type = ''  # reset GPU type, thus RP will not set "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"

Setup execution environment

Python virtual environment

Create a virtual environment with venv:

python3 -m venv ve.rp
source ve.rp/bin/activate

OR create a virtual environment with conda:

module load conda; conda activate
conda create -y -n ve.rp python=3.9
conda activate ve.rp
# OR clone base environment
#   conda create -y -p $HOME/ve.rp --clone $CONDA_PREFIX
#   conda activate $HOME/ve.rp

Install RADICAL-Pilot after activating a corresponding virtual environment:

pip install radical.pilot
# OR in case of conda environment
conda install -c conda-forge radical.pilot

Launching script example

Launching script (e.g., rp_launcher.sh) for the RADICAL-Pilot application includes setup processes to activate a certain execution environment and launching command for the application itself. In this example we use virtual environment with conda.


# - pre run -
module load conda
eval "$(conda shell.posix hook)"
conda activate ve.rp

# for debugging purposes

# - run -
python <rp_application>

Execute launching script as ./rp_launcher.sh or run it in the background:

nohup ./rp_launcher.sh > OUTPUT 2>&1 </dev/null &
# check the status of the script running:
#   jobs -l

Monitoring page: https://status.alcf.anl.gov/#/polaris


If you find any inaccuracy in this description, please, report back to us by opening a ticket.