Source code for radical.pilot.raptor.worker

import io
import os
import sys
import time
import shlex

import threading         as mt

import radical.utils     as ru

from .. import states    as rps
from .. import constants as rpc

from ..pytask           import PythonTask
from ..task_description import TASK_FUNC, TASK_METH, TASK_EXEC
from ..task_description import TASK_PROC, TASK_SHELL, TASK_EVAL

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Worker(object): ''' Implement the Raptor protocol for dispatching multiple Tasks on persistent resources. ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, manager, rank, raptor_id): self._manager = manager self._rank = rank self._raptor_id = raptor_id self._reg_event = mt.Event() self._reg_addr = os.environ['RP_REGISTRY_ADDRESS'] self._sbox = os.environ['RP_TASK_SANDBOX'] self._uid = os.environ['RP_TASK_ID'] self._sid = os.environ['RP_SESSION_ID'] self._ranks = int(os.environ['RP_RANKS']) self._reg = ru.zmq.RegistryClient(url=self._reg_addr) self._cfg = ru.Config(cfg=self._reg['cfg']) self._hb_delay = self._reg['rcfg.raptor.hb_delay'] self._log = ru.Logger(name=self._uid, ns='radical.pilot.worker', level=self._cfg.log_lvl, debug=self._cfg.debug_lvl, targets=self._cfg.log_tgt, path=self._cfg.path) self._prof = ru.Profiler(name='%s.%04d' % (self._uid, self._rank), ns='radical.pilot.worker', path=self._sbox) # register for lifetime management messages on the control pubsub psbox = os.environ['RP_PILOT_SANDBOX'] state_cfg = self._reg['bridges.%s' % rpc.STATE_PUBSUB] ctrl_cfg = self._reg['bridges.%s' % rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB] ru.zmq.Subscriber(rpc.STATE_PUBSUB, url=state_cfg['addr_sub'], log=self._log, prof=self._prof, cb=self._state_cb, topic=rpc.STATE_PUBSUB) ru.zmq.Subscriber(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, url=ctrl_cfg['addr_sub'], log=self._log, prof=self._prof, cb=self._control_cb, topic=rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB) # we push hertbeat and registration messages on that pubsub also self._ctrl_pub = ru.zmq.Publisher(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, url=ctrl_cfg['addr_pub'], log=self._log, prof=self._prof) # let ZMQ settle time.sleep(1) self._hb_register_count = 60 # run heartbeat thread in all ranks (one hb msg every `n` seconds) self._log.debug('hb delay: %s', self._hb_delay) self._hb_thread = mt.Thread(target=self._hb_worker) self._hb_thread.daemon = True self._hb_thread.start() # run worker initialization *before* starting to work on requests. # the worker provides these builtin methods: # eval: evaluate a piece of python code with `eval` # exec: evaluate a piece of python code with `exec` # call: execute a method or function call # proc: execute a command line (fork/exec) # shell: execute a shell command self._modes = dict() self.register_mode(TASK_FUNC, self._dispatch_func) self.register_mode(TASK_METH, self._dispatch_meth) self.register_mode(TASK_EVAL, self._dispatch_eval) self.register_mode(TASK_EXEC, self._dispatch_exec) self.register_mode(TASK_PROC, self._dispatch_proc) self.register_mode(TASK_SHELL, self._dispatch_shell) # prepare base env dict used for all tasks # NOTE: raptor tasks run in the same environment as the raptor worker self._task_env = dict() for k,v in os.environ.items(): if not k.startswith('RP_'): self._task_env[k] = v reg_msg = {'cmd': 'worker_register', 'arg': {'uid' : self._uid, 'raptor_id' : self._raptor_id, 'ranks' : self._ranks}} # the manager (rank 0) registers the worker with the master if self._manager: self._log.debug('register: %s / %s', self._uid, self._raptor_id) self._ctrl_pub.put(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, reg_msg) # # FIXME: we never unregister on termination # self._ctrl_pub.put(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'worker_unregister', # 'arg': {'uid' : self._uid}}) # wait for raptor response (*all* ranks*) self._log.debug('wait for registration to complete') count = 0 while not self._reg_event.wait(timeout=5): if count < self._hb_register_count: count += 1 if self._manager: self._log.debug('re-register: %s / %s', self._uid, self._raptor_id) self._ctrl_pub.put(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, reg_msg) else: self.stop() self.join() self._log.error('registration with master timed out') raise RuntimeError('registration with master timed out') if self._manager: self._log.debug('registration with master ok') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _hb_worker(self): while True: self._ctrl_pub.put(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'worker_rank_heartbeat', 'arg': {'uid' : self._uid, 'rank': self._rank}}) time.sleep(self._hb_delay) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _state_cb(self, topic, msgs): for msg in ru.as_list(msgs): cmd = msg['cmd'] arg = msg['arg'] if cmd != 'update': continue for thing in arg: uid = thing['uid'] state = thing['state'] if uid == self._raptor_id: if state in rps.FINAL + [rps.AGENT_STAGING_OUTPUT_PENDING]: # master completed - terminate this worker'master %s final: %s - terminate', uid, state) self.stop() return False return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _control_cb(self, topic, msg): cmd = msg.get('cmd') arg = msg.get('arg') if cmd == 'worker_registered': if arg['uid'] != self._uid: return if self._reg_event.is_set(): # registration was completed already return self._ts_addr = arg['info']['ts_addr'] self._res_addr_put = arg['info']['res_addr_put'] self._req_addr_get = arg['info']['req_addr_get'] self._reg_event.set() elif cmd == 'terminate': self.stop() self.join() sys.exit() elif cmd == 'worker_terminate': if arg['uid'] == self._uid: self._log.debug('worker_terminate signal') self.stop() self.join() sys.exit() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def get_master(self): ''' The worker can submit tasks back to the master - this method will return a small shim class to provide that capability. That class has a single method `run_task` which accepts a single `rp.TaskDescription` from which a `rp.Task` is created and executed. The call then waits for the task's completion before returning it in a dict representation, the same as when passed to the master's `result_cb`. Note: the `run_task` call is running in a separate thread and will thus not block the master's progress. Returns: Master: a shim class with only one method: `run_task(td)` where `td` is a `TaskDescription` to run. ''' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Master(object): def __init__(self, addr): self._task_service_ep = ru.zmq.Client(url=addr) def run_task(self, td): return self._task_service_ep.request('run_task', td) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- return Master(self._ts_addr)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def start(self): '''Start the workers main work loop. ''' raise NotImplementedError('`start()` must be implemented by child class')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def stop(self): '''Signal the workers to stop the main work loop. ''' raise NotImplementedError('`stop()` must be implemented by child class')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def join(self): '''Wait until the worker's main work loop completed. ''' raise NotImplementedError('`join()` must be implemented by child class')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def register_mode(self, name, dispatcher) -> None: ''' Register a new task execution mode that this worker can handle. The specified dispatcher callable should accept a single argument: the task to execute. Args: name (str): name of the mode to register dispatcher (callable): function which implements the execution mode ''' if name in self._modes: raise ValueError('mode %s already registered' % name) self._modes[name] = dispatcher
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def get_dispatcher(self, name): '''Query a registered execution mode. Args: name (str): name of execution mode to query for Returns: Callable: the dispatcher method for that execution mode ''' if name not in self._modes: raise ValueError('mode %s unknown' % name) return self._modes[name]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dispatch_meth(self, task): ''' _dispatch_meth is a simple wrapper around _dispatch_func which points to private methods to be called. ''' task['description']['function'] = task['description']['method'] return self._dispatch_func(task) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dispatch_func(self, task): ''' We expect three attributes: 'function', containing the name of the member method or free function to call, `args`, an optional list of unnamed parameters, and `kwargs`, and optional dictionary of named parameters. *function* is resolved first against `locals()`, then `globals()`, then attributes of the implementation class (member functions of *base*, as provided to `MPIWorkerRank()`). Finally, an attempt is made to deserialize a PythonTask from *function*. The first non-null resolution of *function* is used as the callable. NOTE: MPI function tasks will get a private communicator passed as first unnamed argument. Args: task (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary representation of the task to execute Returns: Tuple[str, str, int, Any, Tuple[str, str]]: - standard output (str) - standard error (str) - exit code (int) - return value (Any) - exception (Tuple[type (str), message (str)]) Raises: KeyError if the task dictionary misses required entries ValueError if `task['description']['function']` cannot be resolved Assert if `task['description']['function']` is not set ''' uid = task['uid'] func = task['description']['function'] assert func args = task['description'].get('args', []) kwargs = task['description'].get('kwargs', {}) py_func = False self._log.debug('orig args: %s : %s', args, kwargs) # check if `func_name` is a global name names = dict(list(globals().items()) + list(locals().items())) to_call = names.get(func) # if not, check if this is a class method of this worker implementation if not to_call: to_call = getattr(self, func, None) # check if we have a serialized object if not to_call: self._log.debug('func serialized: %d: %s', len(func), func) try: to_call, _args, _kwargs = PythonTask.get_func_attr(func) except Exception: self._log.warn('function is not a PythonTask [%s] ', uid) else: py_func = True if args or kwargs: raise ValueError('`args` and `kwargs` must be empty for' 'PythonTask function [%s]' % uid) else: args = _args kwargs = _kwargs if not to_call: self._log.error('no %s in \n%s\n\n%s', func, names, dir(self)) raise ValueError('%s callable %s not found: %s' % (uid, func, task)) comm = task.get('mpi_comm') if comm: # we have an MPI communicator we need to inject into the function's # arguments. if py_func: # For a `py_func` we add the communicator as `comm` kwarg if # that is set to None, and otherwise as first `arg` if that is # None. If neither is true we'll error out. # NOTE that we don't change the number of arguments either way. if 'comm' in kwargs and kwargs['comm'] is None: kwargs['comm'] = comm elif args and args[0] is None: args[0] = comm else: raise RuntimeError("can't inject communicator for %s: %s: %s", task['uid'], args, kwargs) else: args.insert(0, comm) # make sure we capture stdout / stderr bak_stdout = sys.stdout bak_stderr = sys.stderr strout = None strerr = None # set the task environment old_env = os.environ.copy() for k, v in task['description'].get('environment', {}).items(): os.environ[k] = str(v) try: # redirect stdio to capture them during execution sys.stdout = strout = io.StringIO() sys.stderr = strerr = io.StringIO()'rank_start', uid=uid) self._log.debug('to call %s: %s : %s', to_call, args, kwargs) val = to_call(*args, **kwargs)'rank_stop', uid=uid) out = strout.getvalue() err = strerr.getvalue() exc = (None, None) ret = 0 except Exception as e: self._log.exception('_call failed: %s', task['uid']) val = None out = strout.getvalue() err = strerr.getvalue() + ('\ncall failed: %s' % e) exc = (repr(e), '\n'.join(ru.get_exception_trace())) ret = 1 finally: # restore stdio sys.stdout = bak_stdout sys.stderr = bak_stderr # remove communicator from args again if comm: if py_func: if 'comm' in kwargs: del kwargs['comm'] elif args: args[0] = None else: args.pop(0) os.environ = old_env self._log.debug('%s: got %s', uid, out) return out, err, ret, val, exc # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dispatch_eval(self, task): ''' We expect a single attribute: 'code', containing the Python code to be eval'ed ''' uid = task['uid'] code = task['description']['code'] assert code bak_stdout = sys.stdout bak_stderr = sys.stderr strout = None strerr = None old_env = os.environ.copy() for k, v in task['description'].get('environment', {}).items(): os.environ[k] = str(v) try: # redirect stdio to capture them during execution sys.stdout = strout = io.StringIO() sys.stderr = strerr = io.StringIO() self._log.debug('eval [%s] [%s]', code, task['uid'])'rank_start', uid=uid) val = eval(code)'rank_stop', uid=uid) out = strout.getvalue() err = strerr.getvalue() exc = (None, None) ret = 0 except Exception as e: self._log.exception('_eval failed: %s', task['uid']) val = None out = strout.getvalue() err = strerr.getvalue() + ('\neval failed: %s' % e) exc = (repr(e), '\n'.join(ru.get_exception_trace())) ret = 1 finally: # restore stdio sys.stdout = bak_stdout sys.stderr = bak_stderr os.environ = old_env return out, err, ret, val, exc # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dispatch_exec(self, task): ''' We expect a single attribute: 'code', containing the Python code to be exec'ed. The optional attribute `pre_exec` can be used for any import statements and the like which need to run before the executed code. ''' bak_stdout = sys.stdout bak_stderr = sys.stderr strout = None strerr = None old_env = os.environ.copy() for k, v in task['description'].get('environment', {}).items(): os.environ[k] = str(v) try: # redirect stdio to capture them during execution sys.stdout = strout = io.StringIO() sys.stderr = strerr = io.StringIO() uid = task['uid'] pre = task['description'].get('pre_exec', []) code = task['description']['code'] # create a wrapper function around the given code lines = code.split('\n') outer = 'def _my_exec():\n' for line in lines: outer += ' ' + line + '\n' # call that wrapper function via exec, and keep the return value src = '%s\n\n%s\n\nresult=_my_exec()' % ('\n'.join(pre), outer) # assign a local variable to capture the code's return value. loc = dict()'rank_start', uid=uid) exec(src, {}, loc) # pylint: disable=exec-used # noqa'rank_stop', uid=uid) val = loc['result'] out = strout.getvalue() err = strerr.getvalue() exc = (None, None) ret = 0 except Exception as e: self._log.exception('_exec failed: %s', task['uid']) val = None out = strout.getvalue() err = strerr.getvalue() + ('\nexec failed: %s' % e) exc = (repr(e), '\n'.join(ru.get_exception_trace())) ret = 1 finally: # restore stdio sys.stdout = bak_stdout sys.stderr = bak_stderr os.environ = old_env return out, err, ret, val, exc # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dispatch_proc(self, task): ''' We expect two attributes: 'executable', containing the executabele to run, and `arguments` containing a list of arguments (strings) to pass as command line arguments. We use `sp.Popen` to run the fork/exec, and to collect stdout, stderr and return code ''' try: import subprocess as sp uid = task['uid'] exe = task['description']['executable'] args = task['description'].get('arguments', list()) env = dict(self._task_env) env.update(task['description']['environment']) cmd = '%s %s' % (exe, ' '.join([shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args]))'rank_start', uid=uid) proc = sp.Popen(cmd, env=env, stdin=None, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, close_fds=True, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() ret = proc.returncode exc = (None, None)'rank_stop', uid=uid) except Exception as e: self._log.exception('proc failed: %s', task['uid']) out = None err = 'exec failed: %s' % e exc = (repr(e), '\n'.join(ru.get_exception_trace())) ret = 1 return out, err, ret, None, exc # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dispatch_shell(self, task): ''' We expect a single attribute: 'command', containing the command line to be called as string. ''' try: uid = task['uid'] cmd = task['description']['command'] env = dict(self._task_env) env.update(task['description']['environment']) # self._log.debug('shell: --%s--', cmd)'rank_start', uid=uid) out, err, ret = ru.sh_callout(cmd, shell=True, env=env) exc = (None, None)'rank_stop', uid=uid) except Exception as e: self._log.exception('_shell failed: %s', task['uid']) out = None err = 'shell failed: %s' % e exc = (repr(e), '\n'.join(ru.get_exception_trace())) ret = 1 # os.environ = old_env return out, err, ret, None, exc # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def hello(self, msg, sleep=0): print('hello %s: %.3f' % (msg, time.time())) time.sleep(sleep) print('hello %s: %.3f' % (msg, time.time())) return 'hello %s' % msg
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