Source code for radical.pilot.raptor.master

import os
import time

from collections import defaultdict
from typing      import List

import threading         as mt

import radical.utils     as ru

from .. import utils     as rpu
from .. import states    as rps
from .. import constants as rpc

from .. import Session, Task, TaskDescription, TASK_EXECUTABLE

from ..task_description import RAPTOR_WORKER

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[docs]class Master(rpu.AgentComponent): ''' Raptor Master class The `rp.raptor.Master` instantiates and orchestrates a set of workers which are used to rapidly and efficiently execute function tasks. As such the raptor master acts as an RP executor: it hooks into the RP agent communication channels to receive tasks from the RP agent scheduler in order to execute them. Once completed tasks are pushed toward the agent output staging component and will then continue their life cycle as all other tasks. ''' # flags for worker readiness. These flags have somewhat different meaning # than the worker's task state: the worker reaching `AGENT_EXECUTING` is # necessary, but the worker also needs to perform some setup steps and needs # to hook into the agent's communication channels - only then is the worker # considered `ACTIVE` and ready to receive tasks. NEW = 'NEW' ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE' DONE = 'DONE' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, cfg: ru.Config = None): ''' This raptor master is expected to be hosted in a main thread of a RP task instance. As such the normal `RP_*` environment variables are expected to be available. This c'tor will create communication channels which are later used by workers to communicate with this master instance. Args: cfg: session config. fallback: agent config ''' self._uid = os.environ['RP_TASK_ID'] self._pid = os.environ['RP_PILOT_ID'] self._sid = os.environ['RP_SESSION_ID'] self._name = os.environ['RP_TASK_NAME'] self._sbox = os.environ['RP_TASK_SANDBOX'] self._psbox = os.environ['RP_PILOT_SANDBOX'] self._ssbox = os.environ['RP_SESSION_SANDBOX'] self._rsbox = os.environ['RP_RESOURCE_SANDBOX'] self._reg_addr = os.environ['RP_REGISTRY_ADDRESS'] self._workers = dict() # wid: worker self._tasks = dict() # bookkeeping of submitted requests self._exec_tasks = list() # keep track of executable tasks self._term = mt.Event() # termination signal self._thread = None # run loop self._session = Session(uid=self._sid, _reg_addr=self._reg_addr, _role=Session._DEFAULT) ccfg = ru.Config(from_dict={'uid' : self._uid, 'sid' : self._sid, 'owner' : self._pid, 'reg_addr': self._reg_addr}) super().__init__(ccfg, self._session) # get hb configs (RegistryClient instance is initiated in Session) self._hb_freq = self._session.rcfg.raptor.hb_frequency self._hb_tout = self._session.rcfg.raptor.hb_timeout self._log.debug('hb freq: %s', self._hb_freq) self._log.debug('hb tout: %s', self._hb_tout) # we never run `self.start()` which is ok - but it means we miss out on # some of the component initialization. Call it manually thus self._initialize() # register termination handler self.register_rpc_handler('raptor_rpc', self._raptor_rpc, rpc_addr=self.uid) # send new worker tasks and agent input staging / agent scheduler self.register_output(rps.AGENT_STAGING_INPUT_PENDING, rpc.AGENT_STAGING_INPUT_QUEUE) # set up zmq queues between the agent scheduler and this master so that # we can receive new requests from RP tasks qname = '%s.input_queue' % self._uid input_cfg = ru.Config(cfg={'channel' : qname, 'type' : 'queue', 'uid' : '%s_input' % self._uid, 'path' : self._sbox, 'stall_hwm' : 0, 'bulk_size' : 1}) # FIXME: how to pass cfg? self._input_queue = ru.zmq.Queue(qname, cfg=input_cfg) self._input_queue.start() # send completed request tasks to agent output staging / tmgr self.register_output(rps.AGENT_STAGING_OUTPUT_PENDING, rpc.AGENT_STAGING_OUTPUT_QUEUE) # set up zmq queues between this master and all workers for request # distribution and result collection req_cfg = ru.Config(cfg={'channel' : 'raptor_tasks', 'type' : 'queue', 'uid' : self._uid + '.req', 'path' : self._sbox, 'stall_hwm' : 0, 'bulk_size' : 1}) res_cfg = ru.Config(cfg={'channel' : 'raptor_results', 'type' : 'queue', 'uid' : self._uid + '.res', 'path' : self._sbox, 'stall_hwm' : 0, 'bulk_size' : 1}) self._req_queue = ru.zmq.Queue('raptor_tasks', cfg=req_cfg) self._res_queue = ru.zmq.Queue('raptor_results', cfg=res_cfg) self._req_queue.start() self._res_queue.start() self._req_addr_put = str(self._req_queue.addr_put) self._req_addr_get = str(self._req_queue.addr_get) self._res_addr_put = str(self._res_queue.addr_put) self._res_addr_get = str(self._res_queue.addr_get) # this master will put requests onto the request queue, and will get # responses from the response queue. Note that the responses will be # delivered via an async callback (`self._result_cb`). self._req_put = ru.zmq.Putter('raptor_tasks', self._req_addr_put) self._res_get = ru.zmq.Getter('raptor_results', self._res_addr_get, cb=self._result_cb) # also create a ZMQ server endpoint for the workers to # send task execution requests back to the master self._task_service = ru.zmq.Server() self._task_service.register_request('run_task', self._run_task) self._task_service.start() self._task_service_data = dict() # task.uid : [mt.Event, task] # for the workers it is the opposite: they will get requests from the # request queue, and will send responses to the response queue. self._info = {'req_addr_get': self._req_addr_get, 'res_addr_put': self._res_addr_put, 'task_service': self._task_service.addr} # make sure the channels are up before allowing to submit requests time.sleep(1) # begin to receive tasks in that queue ru.zmq.Getter(qname, self._input_queue.addr_get, cb=self._request_cb) # everything is set up - we can serve messages on the pubsubs also self.register_subscriber(rpc.STATE_PUBSUB, self._state_cb) # and register that input queue with the scheduler self._log.debug('registered raptor queue: %s / %s', self._uid, qname) self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'register_raptor_queue', 'arg': {'name' : self._uid, 'queue': qname, 'addr' : str(self._input_queue.addr_put)}}) # all comm channels are set up - begin to work self._log.debug('startup complete') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def workers(self): ''' task dictionaries representing all currently registered workers ''' return self._workers # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _raptor_rpc(self, *args, **kwargs): self._log.debug('r rpc (%s, %s)', args, kwargs) raptor_cmd = kwargs.get('raptor_cmd') if raptor_cmd == 'stop': self.stop() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def control_cb(self, topic, msg): ''' listen for `worker_register`, `worker_unregister`, `worker_rank_heartbeat` and `rpc_req` messages. ''' cmd = msg['cmd'] arg = msg.get('arg') if cmd == 'worker_register': uid = arg['uid'] rid = arg['raptor_id'] ranks = arg['ranks'] if rid != self._uid: return now = time.time() if uid not in self._workers: self._workers[uid] = { 'uid' : uid, 'status' : self.NEW, 'heartbeats' : {r: now for r in range(ranks)} } self._workers[uid]['status'] = self.ACTIVE # return a message to the worker to inform about the master service # endpoints info = {'req_addr_get': self._req_addr_get, 'res_addr_put': self._res_addr_put, 'ts_addr' : self._task_service.addr} self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'worker_registered', 'arg': {'uid' : uid, 'info': info}}) elif cmd == 'worker_rank_heartbeat': uid = arg['uid'] rank = arg['rank'] self._log.debug('recv rank heartbeat %s:%s', uid, rank) if uid not in self._workers: return self._workers[uid]['heartbeats'][rank] = time.time() elif cmd == 'worker_unregister': uid = arg['uid'] self._log.debug('unregister %s', uid) if uid not in self._workers: return self._workers[uid]['status'] = self.DONE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _state_cb(self, topic, msg): ''' listen for state updates for tasks executed by raptor workers, but also check for state updates originating directly from our workers. ''' cmd = msg['cmd'] arg = msg['arg'] # state update for tasks created by raptor if cmd == 'raptor_state_update': # raptor workers can get caught in the `raptor_state_update` hook # when they are submitted by the master. Filter them out - we don't # want result callbacks for workers. tasks = [task for task in arg if task['description']['mode'] != RAPTOR_WORKER] for task in tasks: self._log.debug('raptor state update: %s : %s', task['uid'], task['state']) self._result_cb(tasks) # general task state updates -- check if our workers are affected elif cmd == 'update': for thing in ru.as_list(arg): uid = thing['uid'] state = thing['state'] if uid in self._workers: if state == rps.AGENT_STAGING_OUTPUT: self._workers[uid]['status'] = self.DONE'worker %s final: %s', uid, state) self.worker_state_cb(self._workers, state) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def worker_state_cb(self, worker_dict, state): ''' This callback can be overloaded - it will be invoked whenever the master receives a state update for a worker it is connected to. args: worker_dict (Dict[str, Any]): a task dictionary representing the worker whose state was updated state (str): new state of the worker ''' pass
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_workers(self, descriptions: List[TaskDescription] ) -> List[str]: ''' Submit a raptor workers per given `descriptions` element and pass the queue raptor info as configuration file. Do *not* wait for the workers to come up - they are expected to register via the control channel. The task `descriptions` specifically support the following keys: - raptor_class: str, type name of worker class to execute - raptor_file : str, optional Module file from which *raptor_class* may be imported, if a custom RP worker class is used Note that only one worker rank (presumably rank 0) should register with the master - the workers are expected to synchronize their ranks as needed. Args: descriptions (List[TaskDescription]): a list of worker descriptions Returns: List[str]: list of uids for submitted worker tasks ''' tasks = list() for td in descriptions: if td.mode != RAPTOR_WORKER: raise ValueError('unexpected task mode [%s]' % td.mode) # sharing GPUs among multiple ranks not yet supported if td.gpus_per_rank and not td.gpus_per_rank.is_integer(): raise RuntimeError('GPU sharing for workers is not supported') raptor_file = td.get('raptor_file') or '' raptor_class = td.get('raptor_class') or 'DefaultWorker' td.raptor_id = self.uid if not td.get('uid'): td.uid = '%s.%s' % (self.uid, ru.generate_id('worker', ns=self.uid)) if not td.get('executable'): td.executable = 'radical-pilot-raptor-worker' if not td.get('sandbox'): td.sandbox = self._sbox # this master is obviously running in a suitable python3 env, # so we expect that the same env is also suitable for the worker # NOTE: shell escaping is a bit tricky here - careful on change! td.arguments = [raptor_file, raptor_class, self.uid] # ensure that defaults and backward compatibility kick in td.verify() # the default worker needs its own task description to derive the # amount of available resources self._reg['raptor.%s.cfg' % td.uid] = td.as_dict() # all workers run in the same sandbox as the master task = dict() task['origin'] = 'raptor' task['description'] = td.as_dict() task['state'] = rps.AGENT_STAGING_INPUT_PENDING task['status'] = self.NEW task['type'] = 'task' task['uid'] = td.uid task['task_sandbox_path'] = td.sandbox task['task_sandbox'] = 'file://localhost/' + td.sandbox task['pilot_sandbox'] = self._psbox task['session_sandbox'] = self._ssbox task['resource_sandbox'] = self._rsbox task['pilot'] = self._pid task['resources'] = {'cpu': td.ranks * td.cores_per_rank, 'gpu': td.ranks * td.gpus_per_rank} tasks.append(task) # NOTE: the order of insert / state update relies on that order # being maintained through the component's message push, # the update worker's message receive up to the insertion # order into the update worker's DB bulk op. self._log.debug('insert %s', td.uid) self.publish(rpc.STATE_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'insert', 'arg': task}) now = time.time() self._workers[td.uid] = { 'uid' : td.uid, 'status' : self.NEW, 'heartbeats' : {r: now for r in range(td.ranks)} } self.advance(tasks, publish=True, push=True) # dump registry with all worker descriptions ("raptor.<worker_uid>.cfg") self._reg.dump(self._uid) return [task['uid'] for task in tasks]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def wait_workers(self, count=None, uids=None): ''' Wait for `n` workers, *or* for workers with given UID, *or* for all workers to become available, then return. A worker is considered `available` when it registered with this master and get's its status flag set to `ACTIVE`. Args: count (int): number of workers to wait for uids (List[str]): set of worker UIDs to wait for ''' if not uids and not count: # wait for all known workers by default uids = list(self._workers.keys()) while True: # workers can be submitted by the client - we thus re-check for new # IDs on every loop if uids: check_uids = [uid for uid in uids if uid in self._workers] else: check_uids = list(self._workers.keys()) if check_uids: stats = defaultdict(list) for uid in check_uids: stats[self._workers[uid]['status']].append(uid) # if we wait for specific uids, check if all are ACTIVE if uids: ok = True for uid in check_uids: if uid not in stats[self.ACTIVE]: ok = False break if ok: self._log.debug('wait ok') return elif count: if count <= len(stats[self.ACTIVE]): self._log.debug('wait ok') return if self._term.is_set(): raise RuntimeError('wait interrupted by master termination') time.sleep(1)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def start(self): ''' start the main work thread of this master ''' self._thread = mt.Thread(target=self._run) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def stop(self): ''' stop the main work thread of this master ''' self._log.debug('set term from stop: %s', ru.get_stacktrace()) self._term.set() super().stop() self.terminate()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def alive(self): ''' check if the main work thread of this master is running ''' if not self._thread or self._term.is_set(): return False return True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def join(self): ''' wait until the main work thread of this master completes ''' if self._thread: self._thread.join()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _hb_thread(self): ''' main work threda of this master ''' # wait for the submitted requests to complete while not self._term.is_set(): self._log.debug('still alive') # check worker heartbeats now = time.time() lost = set() for uid in self._workers: for rank, hb in self._workers[uid]['heartbeats'].items(): if hb < now - self._hb_tout: self._log.warn('lost rank %d on worker %s', rank, uid) lost.add(uid) time.sleep(self._hb_freq) for uid in lost: self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'worker_terminate', 'arg': {'uid': uid}}) self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'cancel_tasks', 'arg': {'uids': [uid]}}) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _run(self): ''' main work threda of this master ''' hb_thread = mt.Thread(target=self._hb_thread) hb_thread.daemon = True hb_thread.start() # wait for the submitted requests to complete while not self._term.is_set(): time.sleep(1) self._log.debug('terminate run loop') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _run_task(self, td): ''' accept a single task request for execution, execute it and wait for it's completion before returning the call. Note: this call is running in a separate thread created by an ZMQ Server instance and will thus not block the master's progress. ''' # we get a dict but want a proper `TaskDescription` instance td = TaskDescription(td) # Create a new task ID for the submitted task (we do not allow # user-specified IDs in this case as we can't check uniqueness with the # client tmgr). Then submit that task and wait for the `result_cb` to # report completion of the task tid = '%s.%s' % (self.uid, ru.generate_id('subtask')) event = mt.Event() td['uid'] = tid task = Task(self, td, origin='raptor').as_dict() self._task_service_data[tid] = [event, task] self.submit_tasks([task]) # wait for the result cb to pick up the td again event.wait() # update td info and remove data if len(self._task_service_data[tid]) != 3: self._log.error('invalid task_service data: %s', self._task_service_data[tid]) task.update(self._task_service_data[tid][2]) del self._task_service_data[tid] # the task is completed and we can return it to the caller return task # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_tasks(self, tasks) -> None: ''' submit a list of tasks to the task queue We expect to get either `TaskDescription` instances which will then get converted into task dictionaries and pushed out, or we get task dictionaries which are used as is. Either way, `self.request_cb` will be called for all tasks submitted here. Args: tasks (List[TaskDescription]): description of tasks to be submitted ''' normalized = list() for task in ru.as_list(tasks): if isinstance(task, TaskDescription): # convert to task dict normalized.append(Task(self, task, origin='raptor').as_dict()) else: normalized.append(task) self._submit_tasks(self.request_cb(normalized))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _submit_tasks(self, tasks) -> None: ''' This is the internal implementation of `self.submit_tasks` which performs the actual submission after the tasks passed through the `request_cb`. ''' if not tasks: return raptor_tasks = list() executable_tasks = list() for task in ru.as_list(tasks): assert 'description' in task self._log.debug('submit: %s', task['uid']) mode = task['description'].get('mode', TASK_EXECUTABLE) if mode == TASK_EXECUTABLE: executable_tasks.append(task) else: raptor_tasks.append(task) # tasks submitted in raptor will miss sandbox completion as # performed by the tmgr.scheduler, so we add it here dummy = {'pilot_sandbox': self._psbox} sbox = self._session._get_task_sandbox(task, dummy) task['task_sandbox'] = str(sbox) task['task_sandbox_path'] = ru.Url(sbox).path self._submit_executable_tasks(executable_tasks) self._submit_raptor_tasks(raptor_tasks) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _submit_raptor_tasks(self, tasks) -> None: if tasks: self.advance(tasks, state=rps.AGENT_SCHEDULING, publish=True, push=False) self._req_put.put(tasks) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _submit_executable_tasks(self, tasks) -> None: ''' Submit tasks per given task description to the agent this master is running in. ''' if not tasks: return for task in tasks: td = task['description'] # task['uid'] = td.get('uid') task['state'] = rps.AGENT_STAGING_INPUT_PENDING task['pilot_sandbox'] = self._psbox task['session_sandbox'] = self._ssbox task['resource_sandbox'] = self._rsbox task['pilot'] = self._pid task['resources'] = {'cpu': td['ranks'] * td.get('cores_per_rank', 1), 'gpu': td['ranks'] * td.get('gpus_per_rank', 0.)} # NOTE: the order of insert / state update relies on that order # being maintained through the component's message push, # the update worker's message receive up to the insertion # order into the update worker's DB bulk op. self._log.debug('insert %s', td['uid']) self.publish(rpc.STATE_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'insert', 'arg': task}) self.advance(tasks, state=rps.AGENT_STAGING_INPUT_PENDING, publish=True, push=True) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _request_cb(self, tasks) -> None: ''' This cb will be called for all tasks which are under control of this raptor master, upon receival by the master. ''' tasks = ru.as_list(tasks) for task in tasks: self._log.debug('request_cb: %s', task['uid']) # executable tasks which come from the scheduler are in danger of # entering a loop as we will push them back to the scheduler for # execution. To avoid that loop we set an additional attribute # (raptor_seen=True) which the scheduler can filter for if task['description']['mode'] == TASK_EXECUTABLE: task['raptor_seen'] = True try: self.submit_tasks(tasks) except: self._log.exception('request cb failed') self.advance(tasks, rps.FAILED, publish=True, push=False) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def request_cb(self, tasks): ''' A raptor master implementation can overload this cb to filter all newly submitted tasks: it recieves a list of tasks and returns a potentially different list of tasks which are then executed. It is up to the master implementation to ensure proper state transition for any tasks which are passed as argument but are not returned by the call and thus are not submitted for execution. Args: tasks ([List[Dict[str, ANY]]): list of tasks which this master received for execution Returns: tasks ([List[Dict[str, ANY]]): possibly different list of tasks than received ''' # FIXME: document task format return tasks
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _result_cb(self, tasks): ''' As pendant to the `_request_cb`, the `_result_cb` is invoked when raptor tasks complete execution. ''' tasks = ru.as_list(tasks) for task in tasks: uid = task['uid'] if not task.get('target_state'): ret = task.get('exit_code') if ret is None: ret = -1 if int(ret) == 0: task['target_state'] = rps.DONE else : task['target_state'] = rps.FAILED if uid in self._task_service_data: # update task info and signal task service thread self._log.debug('unlock 2 %s', uid) self._task_service_data[uid].append(task) self._task_service_data[uid][0].set() try: self.result_cb(tasks) except: self._log.exception('result callback failed') self.advance(tasks, rps.AGENT_STAGING_OUTPUT_PENDING, publish=True, push=True) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def result_cb(self, tasks): ''' A raptor master implementation can overload this cb which get's called when raptor tasks complete execution. Args: tasks ([List[Dict[str, ANY]]): list of tasks which this master executed ''' # FIXME: document task format pass
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def terminate(self): ''' terminate all workers and the master's own work loop. ''' # unregister input queue self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, { 'cmd': 'unregister_raptor_queue', 'arg': {'name' : self._uid, 'queue':}}) self._log.debug('set term from terminate') self._term.set() for uid in self._workers: self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd': 'worker_terminate', 'arg': {'uid': uid}}) # wait for workers to terminate # FIXME: TS # self.wait() self._log.debug('all workers terminated')
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